Society News & Member Announcements

Catching up with colleagues at SFN 

 SFN Breakfast 24

Society Newsletter Fall Issue 2024


IBANGS Executive Committee Election Results


Congratulations to incoming President, Dr Paul Meyer
and Drs. Francesca Telese and Derek Morris, Member-At-Large. We look forward to your tenure.

Spring Newsletter just out!


Congratulations IBANGS Investigator Awardees!

Distinguished Investigator Award
Andrew Holmes, Senior Investigator
Laboratory of Behavioral and Genomic Neuroscience


Early Career Achievement Award
Francesca Telese, Associate Professor

Fireside Chat Panel Discussion
Diverse Science Career Paths

February 14th, 2:00 pm
Speakers: Emily Petruccelli, Lisa Goldberg, Nathan Rustay, Sandra Sanchez-Roige, and Spencer Huggett

Registration form:
Annual Meeting News
Abstract Submission
Deadline 02/22/2024

Travel award Applications
Call Details

Fall 2023 Newsletter



IBANGS Special Seminar
Cassandra Extavour

August 23, 2023, 12:00 pm EDT


Summer Newsletter online



Genes, Brain and Behavior 2024
Western University in London, Ontario, Canada
June 3-6, 2024

Western University

Local Hosts: Anne Simon and Jibran Khokhar


Results: 2023 IBANGS Executive Committee Elections

Please join us in congratulating this year's new members of the IBANGS Executive Committee.
President-Elect: Megan Mulligan, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Secretary: David Ashbrook, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Member-At-Large: Kristin Scaplen, Bryant University

Spring Newsletter Just out!


IBANGS April Seminar

Mike Miles
Virginia Commonwealth University
April 12th, 2023
12:00 pm EDT

IBANGS February Seminar
"Your perception is not mine: Serotonin and individual differences in environmental sensitivity"
Judith Homberg, Radboud University
February 15th, 2023, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm EDT

Congratulations to the 2023 IBANGS Investigator Awardees!

Distinguished Investigator Award
Catharine Rankin, Professor
University of British Columbia

Early Career Achievement Award
Sandra Sanchez-Roige, Associate Professor
University of California San Diego

Latest Society Newsletter Just Out

Newsletter Winter 2022


December Seminar
Dr. Tamara Phillips RichardsOHSU
Title: "Neurogenetic Study of Differential Susceptibility to Methamphetamine Intake"
December 14th, 2022
12:00 pm EDT

October Seminar
Dr. Karla Kaun, Brown University
Title: "How alcohol influences gene expression and function of memory circuits"
October 19th, 2022
12:00 pm-1:00 pm EDT


Halloween Photo Contest
Deadline: October 31st @ midnight (anywhere :o)
Submit photo to: [email protected]
All member submissions welcome, Individual, Group, Pets, Families

 Halloween photo contest

Autumn Issue of IBANGS News Online
IBANGS Newsletter Autumn 2022

Annual Meeting News
Genes, Brain and Behavior 2023
Univerity of Galway
May 22-25, 2023
Check the meeting page for updates

Summer Issue of IBANGS News Online
IBANGS Newsletter Summer 2022

RESULTS: IBANGS Executive Committee Elections 2023
President-Elect: Karla Kaun, Brown University 
Member-At-Large: Paul Meyer, University of Buffalo 

 Election Results

Latest issue of the Society Newsletter just out!
IBANGS News Spring 2022

IBANGS Investigator Award Recipents 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Elissa Chesler and Dr. Monica Dus
IBANGS Distinguished and Early Career Investigator Award Recipients

Elissa CheslerMonica Dus


IBANGS Travel Award FENS Forum Paris

Application Deadline: January 31st


IBANGS Newsletter Winter Issue 2022

Upcoming IBANGS Virtual Seminars

Seminar: 02/16/22 12:00 pm EDT
Fair Vassoler
Assistant Professor, Tufts University
Boston, MA
Seminar: 03/16/22 12:00 pm EDT
Roshan Jain, Assistant Professor
Haverford College
Haveford, PA
Seminar: 04/20/22 12:00 pm EDT
Amelie Baud, Group Leader
Center for Genomic Regulation
Barcelona, Spain


IBANGS Newsletter Summer Issue 2021



Seminar Notice May

"Protein monoaminylation in brain: novel mechanisms of neural development, plasticity and disease"

Ian Maze photo

Ian Maze, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Date: May 5.
12:00-1:00 PM EDT

Register here


Seminar Notice March

"Reelin signaling in neuroplasticity and disease vulnerability"


Francesca Telese, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego
Date: March 17.
12:00-1:00 PM EDT


Seminar Notice February

Beyond GWAS: Identifying and Leveraging Consilience in Addiction Genetics”

Rohan Palmer

Rohan Palmer, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Emory University 
Lab Page 
Date: February 17th, 2021
Time: 12:30 pm-1:30 pm EDT

Seminar Notice January
"Biological Sex, GABAergic signaling and individual differences in alcohol’s effects"

Laverne Melon 
Laverne Melón, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Wesleyan University
January 20, 12:00 -1:00 pm EDT

Check Out Our New Office Space

office 1 office 3

Stop by for a visit. Instructions here:


New Logo Competition Winners

1st place 2nd place 3rd place


Latest Issue of the Society Newsletter Online

Newsletter Winter 2020


Seminar Notice December
"Behavioral Phenotyping of Genetic Mouse Models of Autism"

 Jacki Crawley

Jacqueline N. Crawley, PhD
Robert E. Chason Endowed Chair in Translational Research, MIND Institute 
Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
University of California Davis School of Medicine
December 16, 12:00 pm EDT.

Seminar Notice November
"An aquatic perspective on the neural basis of vertebrate behavior"

Tod R. Thiele, PhD
University of Toronto
November 25, 2020 
12:00 pm EDT

Seminar Notice October
"Looking back on 45 years of behavior genetics: A personal perspective"

Wim E. Crusio, PhD
University of Bordeaux and CNRS
October 28, 2020 
12:00 pm EDT

 Autumn Newsletter Online

Town Cryer

IBANGS Newsletter Autumn

Scientists from Developing Countries-Invitation


IBANGS is offering scaled membership fees for scientists in developing countries. More here 

IBANGS Virtual Trainee Symposium
September 23rd, 2020
Registration and Abstract open

Details: Virtual Trainee Symposium

Trainee Symposium


Latest Edition of the Society Newsletter just out!



Black Lives Matter

IBANGS stands in solidarity with the Black community to mourn the death of George Floyd and to challenge systemic racism and injustice. We are committed to being an ally and providing a diverse, inclusive, and safe society. We encourage our members to take action by: 1) continuing to educate themselves and each other on institutional racism; 2) to stand up and call out racism, and any other type of discrimination when they see it; and 3) supporting organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and Black Lives Matter. We will also be using this time to look within IBANGS and examine the ways in which we can strengthen our current and future commitment to equity and inclusion, and to plan for the future accordingly.


Behavior Mini Meeting Program Updates Online

society logos  FENS2020
Maze Cajal drawings
Mini conference FENS Forum of Neuroscience 2020
Behavioural neuroscience for the next decade: Why behaviour matters to brain science Saturday 11th July 2020 (09:00-12:30 CEST)



IBANGS Members Awarded


Congratulations to Kristin Scaplen, Brown University and Antonia Savarese, OHSU, poster award recipients at the Gordon Research Conference on Alcohol 2020.
Posters can be viewed online here:
Circuits that encode and guide alcohol associated preference

Glucocorticoid Receptor Regulation of Binge-like Ethanol Intake


IBANGS Newsletter Spring 2020 Online 

Town Cryer

Newsletter Spring 2020


COVID19 Announcement: Genes, Brain and Behavior Meeting Postponed to 2021


Bravo to Dr. Erin Harris, University College Cork!
IBANGS-FENS Outstanding Young Scientist Travel Award Recipient

Erin Harris

Dr. Harris will receive a stipend to attend the FENS Forum in Glasgow this July and present her work.
Abstract title: Stress during puberty exerts sexually dimorphic effects on antidepressant-like behaviour and monoamine neurotransmitters in adolescence and adulthood


Congratulations to Dr. Abraham Palmer and Dr. Ryan Logan 
IBANGS Distinguished and Young Investigator Award Recipients

Abe Ryan


IBANGS Executive Committee Elections Now Open
elections 2020

VOTES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:00 P.M., SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2020, Central Daylight Time (CDT).


Call for Collaborative Research: Brain pH project

Fujita Health

Full announcement online:


Society Newsletter Online-Winter Issue 

Town Cryer

 Click here: IBANGS News


Behavior Satellite Meeting at the FENS Forum Glasgow, 2020

society logos

“Behavioural neuroscience for the next decade: Why behaviour matters to brain science"

Program online  Registration open  Travel grants available

Details here: Behaviour Satellite


Research Collaboration Opportunity

Fujita Health

 Full announcement online here


Call For 2020 IBANGS Award Nominations

Young Scientist Award and Distinguished Investigator Award
DEADLINE: November 30, 2019
Full announcement online here


Latest Issue of the Society Newsletter online


This issue contains details of upcoming society events, open calls, funding opportunities, and resources. Check it out! 


IBANGS at the FENS Forum July 11th, 2020


 IBANGS has been invited to organize a satellite meeting at the FENS Forum in Glasgow together with other behavior related societies. The satellite meeting will encompass behavioral neuroscience, behavior genetics and behavioral pharmacology. Check the meeting page for updates.


Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2020


Our upcoming annual meeting will be held at the Marine Biological Laboratory in  Woods Hole, MA. from May 12th-May 17th, 2020. Check the meeting page for updates.



2019 IBANGS Executive Committee Election Results

Election Results 2019

President-Elect Dr. Karl Clark

Treasurer: Dr. Amy Lasek

Member-at-Large: Dr. Cheryl Reed


Latest Society Newsletter Just Out



Genes, Brain and Behavior 2019 Edinburgh, Latest Meeting Itinerary

Meeting itinerary


Pleased to announce IBANGS 2019 Distinguished and Young Investigator Award Recipients! 

2019 Award Recipients

Congratulations to Dr Seth Grant of the University of Edinburgh and Dr Zoe Donaldson of the University of Colorado Boulder. The Awardees will give a talk at Genes, Brain and Behaviour 2019.


Genes, Brain and Behavior 2019 Edinburgh update

Meeting registration and abstract submission now open!

Meeting Page


 IBANGS members John C. Crabbe and Hee-Sup Shin elected as AAAS Fellows 

John and Hee-Sup award


Postdoctoral and Research Scientist Positions – Kaczorowski Lab

Jax logo

The Kaczorowski lab is looking to hire several postdocs/research scientists interested in mechanisms underlying resilience to normal cognitive aging and high-risk AD genotypes/pathological biomarkers in mouse models. For more information click here: Job Description. Please post the flyer in your institution and/or share with grad students who expect to defend within the next 6 months.Thank you for your help. 


Tenure-track Research Assistant Professor position at Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science (ICMS)

FHU Logo

Fujita Health University Job information The Division of Systems Medical Science, Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science (ICMS), Fujita Health University (FHU) is seeking to expand its faculty in the fields of neuroscience, particularly with respect to in vivo imaging of neuronal activity and neural decoding to seek for endo-phenotypes in mouse models of neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. Expertise in molecular biology, in vivo physiology, optogenetics, behavioral neuroscience, and/or computational neuroscience is preferable. More information can be found  here: JobPost_FHU20181029


Dr Gene Robinson Elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Please join us in congratulating and celebrating the achievement of Dr. Gene Robinson for his induction into the National Academy of Medicine. Dr Robinson is the Director of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology and is a member of IBANGS and the editorial board of Genes, Brain and Behavior. Additional details of Dr. Robinson's work and his election into the National Academy of Medicine can be found here: Gene Robinson NAM


Call for Symposia

Genes, Brain, and Behavior 2019
Edinburgh, Scotland UK
For guidelines and details click here 
To access symposia submission form click here




The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Neuroscience Society

 ANS Meeting announcement

FENS members can register at the same rates as ANS members!
Travel grants for young investigators are also available!


PhD and Postdoctoral Position Available University of Bern

University of Bern logo

 PhD position (3 years) in animal behaviour and behavioural genetics

Postdoctoral position (3 years) in quantitative behavioural genetics

At the Division of Animal Welfare, University of Bern, Switzerland, we are seeking a PhD student and a Postdoctoral scientist who is eager to investigate causes of variation in animal research. The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF); its ultimate goal is to develop experimental designs for improving the external validity and reproducibility of animal research. The successful candidate will work in a small team together with faculty, two postdocs, and a lab technician and will participate in the training and mentoring of undergraduate students. More information here: PhD position  Postdoctoral position


Latest Society Newsletter Online

town crier

Click here


5th International Seminar on Behavioral Methods

Conference announcement

The conference will be organized from 27-29 September in Kraków in Poland.The main focus of the conference is behavioral research in animal and human models. There are two sessions which are common for all editions of the conference: "Behavioral research in human and other primates" and the "Noah's Ark" which is devoted to the non-standard animal models, like camels, goats, fish or crickets. More information here:


Published and Online!

from member article

"Reproducibility and replicability of rodent phenotyping in preclinical studies"
This article is from a conference proceeding and is authored by several IBANGS members: Elissa J.Chesler, John C.Crabbe, Wim E.Crusio, Robert Gerlai, Lisa M.Tarantino, and Robert W.Williams, Online here:


Elections: IBANGS Executive Committee

Names in hat

Nominations are requested for two positions:
President-Elect and Member-At-Large
Nominations deadline March 28 at 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (22:00 UTC)
Please send nominations to the IBANGS Secretary: Iiris Hovatta at [email protected]


IBANGS Facebook Page Launch 

fb icon

Check out our new facebook page and give us a "like"


Postdoctoral Positions Available

WashU logo

The Ben-Shahar lab at Washington University in St. Louis is searching for postdoctoral fellows. Studies are in animal behavior from mechanistic and evolutionary perspectives by using fruit flies, bees, and other insects. These funded positions are ideal for recent PhDs, who are interested in studying mechanisms of behavior at the cellular, and molecular levels. Additional information can be found here: Interested individuals should contact Yehuda Ben-Shahar at [email protected]


IBANGS Investigator Awardees 2018

awardees 2018

Congratulations to this year’s Young and Distinguished Investigator IBANGS Award recipients!
Young Investigator Award-  Dr. Karla Kaun, Brown University and Dr. Catherine Kaczorowski,
Jackson Laboratory, Distinguished Investigator Award- Dr. Rainer Spanagel, University of Heidelberg


PhD student opportunity in alcohol and stress

“Longitudinal study on the effect of alcohol and stress on prefrontal cortex activity 
and cognitive performance in undergraduate students” 

Click here for details


Contact Dr Maria Cordero [email protected]


PhD student opportunity in Autism research

phd search sp

Contact Dr. Susanna Pietropaolo: [email protected] 


 Book launch

"Molecular-Genetic and Statistical Techniques for
Behavioral and Neural Research"
edited by Robert T. Gerlai

 book cover rg



IBANGS is now a partner of the Dana Alliance Brain Initiative

BAW banner

We're excited to be a part of the DANA outreach team! The BAW event is
March 12-18, 2018. Check back here for updates.



 IBANGS is moving to New England!

Boston move

IBANGS will be moving to the Boston, MA. area in January, 2018. We're looking 
forward to being a part of the amazing scientific environment and the
non-profit community of New England.


"Beyond GWAS: Identifying and Leveraging Consilience in Addiction Genetics"