Genes, Brain and Behavior
May 19-22, 2025
Yanuca Island, Fiji
Join Us in Paradise: Genes, Brain and Behavior 2025 in Fiji!
We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 Annual Meeting will be held at a luxurious resort in the breathtaking islands of Fiji. This is a unique opportunity to combine cutting-edge scientific exchange with the serene beauty and vibrant culture of the Pacific. Fiji Resort Video.
Plenary Speakers
Title: Moving the needle on eating disorders: novel neurogenetic and behavioral genetic insights. Chairs: Claire Foldi, Monash University and Morgan James, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Speakers:Danielle Dick, Rutgers University, Robyn Brown, University of Melbourne, Kaixin (Catherine) Huang, Monash University, Morgan James, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Title: Mechanisms underlying individual variation in motivated behavior Chairs:Karla Kaun, Brown University and Andrew Holmes, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Speakers:Philip Jean-Richard Dit Bressel, University of New South Wales, Andrew Holmes, NIAAA, Karla Kaun, Brown University, Galit Shohat-Ophir, Bar-Ilan University
Title: RNA Modifications: Implications for Brain Function and Behavior Chair: Ina Anreiter, University of Toronto Speakers:Timothy Bredy, University of Queensland, Yanhong Shi, City of Hope, Mathieu Flamand, Université Laval; Ina Anreiter, University of Toronto
Title: Molecular Switches of Addiction: Unraveling the Role of RNA Splicing in Substance Use Disorders Chairs: Amy Lasek and Luana Carvalho, Virginia Commonwealth University Speakers:Emily Petruccelli, Southern Illinois University, Elizabeth Heller, The University of Pennsylvania, Luana Carvalho, Virginia Commonwealth University, Yunlong Liu, Indiana University
Title: Weaving Together the Strands: Cross-Species Insights into the Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Early Adversity Chairs: Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira, Aarhus University and Tracy L. Bale, University of Colorado School of Medicine Speakers:Tanja Jovanovic, Wayne State University, Diego Rovaris, University of São Paulo; Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira, Aarhus University, Tracy L. Bale, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Calls Late Breaking Abstracts
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Sponsor/Exhiibitor Registration
Conference Pricing (USD)
*Registration fee is reduced by $500 per person if sharing a room with another meeting registrant.
Registration includes 4 nights accommodation (5/19 through 5/22), breakfast, lunch, dinner, refreshments, opening reception and beachside banquet.
Meeting Registration Meeting Registration ends March 15
Additional accommodation (up to three nights) before and after the meeting is available at a discounted price using the link below. Supplementary Stay Registration Supplementary Stay Registration ends March 15, 2025
Regular Member - $2100 Student/Postdoc Member - $1600 Regular Non Member - $2500 Student/Postdoc Non Member - $1800 Regular Member (room sharing) - $1600 Student/Postdoc Member (room sharing) - $1100 Regular Non Member (room sharing) - $2000 Student/Postdoc Non Member (room sharing) - $1300
Meeting Information and FAQ
Fiji Travel
Local Organizers Associate Professor Kelly Clemens, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Professor Timothy Bredy, Queensland Brain Institute, Brisbane, Australia