Genes, Brain and Behavior
May 19-22, 2025
Yanuca Island, Fiji
Fiji Resort 


Join Us in Paradise: Genes, Brain and Behavior 2025 in Fiji!

We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 Annual Meeting will be held at a luxurious resort in the breathtaking islands of Fiji. This is a unique opportunity to combine cutting-edge scientific exchange with the serene beauty and vibrant culture of the Pacific.

Meeting Registration 

Supplementary Stay Registration

Meeting Information and FAQ

Local Organizers
Dr. Kelly Clemens, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Professor Timothy Bredy, Queensland Brain Institute, Brisbane, Australia

Program Committee
Kelly Clemens, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Timothy Bredy, Queensland Brain Institute, Brisbane
David Ashbrook, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Camron Bryant, Boston University
Jason Bubier, Jackson Laboratory
Gang Chen, Jinan University
Inna Gaisler-Salomon, University of Haifa
Karla Kaun, Brown University
Paul Meyer, University at Buffalo
Annie Parks, University of Oxford
Kristin Scaplen, Bryant University
Habibe Upcunar, University of Toronto