Genes, Brain and Behavior
May 19-22, 2025
Yanuca Island, Fiji
Fiji Resort 


Join Us in Paradise: Genes, Brain and Behavior 2025 in Fiji!

We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 Annual Meeting will be held at a luxurious resort in the breathtaking islands of Fiji. This is a unique opportunity to combine cutting-edge scientific exchange with the serene beauty and vibrant culture of the Pacific. Fiji Resort Video.

Plenary Speakers

Peg McCarthy

Presidential Address

Professor Margaret McCarthy
Sex Differences in the Developing Brain

Barry Dickson

 Keynote Address

Professor Barry Dickson
Neural circuits and behavior in Drosophila

Hee-Sup Shin

Distinguished Investigator Award Lecture

Professor Hee-Sup Shin
Neural mechanism underlying cognition and sociatiliy

Caroline Menard

 Early Career Achievement Award Lecture

Assoc Professor Caroline Ménard
Neurobiology of stress, depression and resilience




Title: Moving the needle on eating disorders: novel neurogenetic and behavioral genetic insights.
Chairs: Claire Foldi, Monash University and Morgan James, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Speakers:Danielle Dick, Rutgers University, Robyn Brown, University of Melbourne, Kaixin (Catherine) Huang, Monash University, Morgan James, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Title: Mechanisms underlying individual variation in motivated behavior
Chairs:Karla Kaun, Brown University and Andrew Holmes, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Speakers:Philip Jean-Richard Dit Bressel, University of New South Wales, Andrew Holmes, NIAAA, Karla Kaun, Brown University, Galit Shohat-Ophir, Bar-Ilan University

Title: RNA Modifications: Implications for Brain Function and Behavior
Chair: Ina Anreiter, University of Toronto
Speakers:Timothy Bredy, University of Queensland, Yanhong Shi, City of Hope, Mathieu Flamand, Université Laval; Ina Anreiter, University of Toronto

Title: Molecular Switches of Addiction: Unraveling the Role of RNA Splicing in Substance Use Disorders
Chairs: Amy Lasek and Luana Carvalho, Virginia Commonwealth University
Speakers:Emily Petruccelli, Southern Illinois University, Elizabeth Heller, The University of Pennsylvania, Luana Carvalho, Virginia Commonwealth University, Yunlong Liu, Indiana University

Title: Weaving Together the Strands: Cross-Species Insights into the Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Early Adversity
Chairs: Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira, Aarhus University and Tracy L. Bale, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Speakers:Tanja Jovanovic, Wayne State University, Diego Rovaris, University of São Paulo; Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira, Aarhus University, Tracy L. Bale, University of Colorado School of Medicine 


Late Breaking Abstracts

Become an IBANGS Member and receive reduced rates. Member Benefits and Application Forms

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Sponsor/Exhiibitor Registration

Conference Pricing (USD)

*Registration fee is reduced by $500 per person if sharing a room with another meeting registrant.

Registration includes 4 nights accommodation (5/19 through 5/22), breakfast, lunch, dinner, refreshments, opening reception and beachside banquet.

Meeting Registration 
Meeting Registration ends March 15

Additional accommodation (up to three nights) before and after the meeting is available at a discounted price using the link below.
Supplementary Stay Registration 
Supplementary Stay Registration ends March 15, 2025

Regular Member - $2100
Student/Postdoc Member - $1600
Regular Non Member - $2500
Student/Postdoc Non Member - $1800
Regular Member (room sharing) - $1600
Student/Postdoc Member (room sharing) - $1100
Regular Non Member (room sharing) - $2000
Student/Postdoc Non Member (room sharing) - $1300

Meeting Information and FAQ

Fiji Travel

Local Organizers
Associate Professor Kelly Clemens, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Professor Timothy Bredy, Queensland Brain Institute, Brisbane, Australia